Little Apple Dolls - "ONERIS" VERY VERY RARE HARD TO FIND LIMITED EDITION. Charles and Little Apple had as my fiends, to chal you could James Chales is otte not pleased to meet meet your your opinance. Lie Thom dotion and should be used. Lin Pod says once upon a time he was an ordinary ple in an orchard.
There were many He grew item a free in sometimes they small and plou and wd. He says the five of ordinay Igors lovely up there. Sometimes fallen a used as target practice and if you're wal lucky. Ples we left to it.Snap they you and me yout into a load spill. Bet Little Apple Pod was to the auther peste is Fine the.
Sine is is the the keeper of The few we wondering south. Litle Apple Pod and need protecting.. The children whe I says the says the chilien of the Inbetacen Phase ae lose.
For all the Fallen I was chosen and marked and that's why he looks the way he does. The Keeper miles this so apples. Pius in this world are a sign of the dammed, they could be used to pant people of the evet se nije bet pius Inbetween Places are a sign of the chosen friends and protectors.
Let me intuslace yout to. Onetis the Wix Carver is a clever soul who keeps to herself. She lives in the shadows of trees and miles candles fut the lost and for the base.
She caries within her a great weight the slows all time as she waves. Her face tells the Mory of how she came to enter the Wandering Wood but she chooses to cover it with a veil. Charles says we are all friends and protectors in the Indefacen so there is no reason to fides he believes we should not trust those who choose to hide theit faces from the light of the day. I Little Apple Ped says there is more to Oneys than she would oue to tell us about..
She is dark and beautiful, and a fine addition to my Little Apple Doll brood. Hi finally all 10 of my kids are out of this house well except for my two girls, and left a lot of stuff behind over the years we've bought a lot of video games, toys for boys and girls, stuff the kids got from the neighbors kids, and some stuff my wife has a lot, so im just trying to give it a better home than doing what I normally would do bye donating it or throwing it out.
So I don't want them to get destroyed by the elements in the house where and tear moving the boxes around not knowing what's in it and potentially damaging them by sitting in a box in the basement or in the garage or addict. Items will be properly packed.